The Australian Association for the Study of Religion (AASR) is a professional organisation, comprised of academics, teachers, students, and those interested in the study of religion. The AASR was formed in Adelaide in 1976.
The AASR promotes the study of religion by:
producing the Journal for the Academic Study of Religion;
holding an annual conference;
circulating a regular newsletter of upcoming local and international events, scholarships, and academic positions;
hosting a website including member publications; and
facilitating networks of like-minded scholars
The AASR is a member association of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR). Many AASR members also hold membership in other societies representing specific disciplines and cross-disciplinary fields.
The Association aims to function as a meeting place where the study of religion in its broadest dimensions may be fostered. It had initially received financial support from the Charles Strong Trust.