The AASR is a leading body in the study of religion whose members publish across a range of approaches to the field. AASR members can send their recent publications to the AASR Communications Officer to be advertised in the monthly newsletter and to appear here on the website.

The Australian Association for the Study of Religions has historically published several works and edited volumes by our members independently. These works have been recently digitised with the help of Carole Cusack, Raphael Lataster, Jay Johnston, and Susan Murray, and open-access digital copies are hosted at the University of Sydney.

Member’s publications

Australian Association for the Study of Religions Book Series

These publications are hosted by the University of Sydney, click on the image to directly find the book in their repository.


Australian Essays in World Religions (1977)

Religious experience in world religions (1980)


Aboriginal Australians and Christian Missions Ethnographic and Historical Studies (1988)

Central Australian Religion: Personal Monototemism in a Polytotemic Community (1978)

Interpreting Aboriginal Religion An Historical Account (1985)


Schelling's Philosophy of Mythology and Revelation (1995)

Powers, Plumes and Piglets: Phenomena of Melanesian Religion (1979)

Identity Issues and World ReligionsSelected Proceedings of the Fifteenth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (1986)

Religion and Multiculturalism in Australia Essays in Honour of Victor Hayes (1992)

Towards Theology in an Australian Context (1979)

An Introduction to Maori Religion: It's character before European Contact and its survival in contemporary Maori and New Zealand culture (1984)

Claiming our Rites Studies in Religion by Australian Women Scholars (1994)