The AASR is a leading body in the study of religion whose members publish across a range of approaches to the field. AASR members can send their recent publications to the AASR Communications Officer to be advertised in the monthly newsletter and to appear here on the website.
The Australian Association for the Study of Religions has historically published several works and edited volumes by our members independently. These works have been recently digitised with the help of Carole Cusack, Raphael Lataster, Jay Johnston, and Susan Murray, and open-access digital copies are hosted at the University of Sydney.
Member’s publications
Sarah Bacaller (ed.). 2025. Apostate: Stories of Deconversion. Apocryphile Press.
Shweta Goyal. 2025. The Sword and the Sitar: Interplay of Violence and Non-Violence in the Bhagavad Gita. The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society 15 (3): 151-167.
Albert R Haig. 2025. Gnostic and Catholic appropriations of Platonism. Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies, 10 (1): 77-107.
Adam Possamai. 2024. Faith and Toleration in Neoliberal Times: Australia as a case study in The Routledge Companion to Censorship and Freedom of Expression, J. Petley and J. Steel (eds.), 183-192. Routledge.
Adam Possamai, Alanna Kamp, Rhys Gower. 2024. Overseas Born ‘Religious Nones’ in Australia. Secularism and Nonreligion 13 (5): 1–12.
Adam Possamai, Rhys Gower. 2024. Digital Exorcism and Morality. Journal of Sociology.
Albert Haig. 2024. The word in the soul and its counterparts: World, body, mind, and soul in Plotinus. In: Melina G. Mouzala (Ed.) Cognition in Ancient Greek Philosophy and its Reception: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Nomos.
Andrew Singleton, Anna Halahoff and Rosie Shorter. 6 Dec. 2024. 'The meaning of 'spirituality' among Australian adults: Connections to self, community and beyond'. ABC Religion & Ethics.
Anna Halafoff, Rosie Clare Shorter, Enqi Weng, Yin Paradies, William Abur, Monika Winarnita. 2024. Decolonising Studies of Religion in So-Called Australia: Truth-Telling, Collective Reflections and Future Trajectories. Journal of Intercultural Studies.
Anna Halafoff, Rachael Harris, Lora Beaman. 2024. (Non)religion, spirituality, and the multispecies turn. Social Compass 71 (3): 389-405.
Anna Halafoff, Tyson Yunkaporta, Rosemary Hancock, Rachael Harris. 2024. Riotous methodological and methodointuitive reflections on (non)religion, spirituality and the multispecies turn. Social Compass 71(3): 482-501.
A. Halafoff, A. Singleton and E. Poulos. 2024. ‘Querying 'No Religion': State, Society, and Spirituality in Australia'. Australian Journal of Law and Religion 5: 83-88
Cristina Rocha, 2024. Cool Christianity: Hillsong and the Fashioning of Cosmopolitan Identities. Oxford UP.
David W. Kim. 2024. The First Apocalypse of James in a Socio-Linguistic Perspective: Three Greek and Coptic Versions from Ancient Monastic Egypt. Religions 15(8): 881.
David W. Kim and Duncan Wright. 2024. Socio-Anthropological Approaches to Religion: Environmental Hope. Rowman & Littlefield.
Douglas Ezzy, Anna Halafoff, Greg Barton, Rebecca Banham. 2024. Religious Diversity in Australia: Living Well with Difference. Bloomsbury.
Enqi Weng, Shorter, R. 2024. Decolonial Perspectives on Dominant Constructions of “Religion”. In: Ravulo, J., Olcoń, K., Dune, T., Workman, A., Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Critical Whiteness. Springer.
Halim Rane. 2024. Convenants and Treaties in the Qur'an and Sunnah: Hope for Better Understanding in Interreligious Relations in Islam. In: David W. Kim and Duncan Wright, Socio-Anthropological Approaches to Religion. Rowman & Littlefield.
J. McGuire and A. Possamai. 2024. ‘The power of sequential art compels you!’ - exorcism in comics’. In: J. Morehead and B. Grafius (eds.) Horror Comics and Religion: Essays on Framing the Monstrous and the Divine. McFarland: 70-86.
Jeremy Patrick. 2024. A Brief Rejoinder to Movsesian on 'The New Thoreaus'. Australian Journal of Law and Religion 5: 89-91.
Katherine Chambers. 2024. Augustine on the Nature of Virtue and Sin. Cambridge UP.
Katharine Massam. 2024. Christ as Work/er?: Labour and Redemption in Kylie Tennant’s Foveaux. In: Handasyde, K. and Winter, S. (eds) Seeing Christ in Australia, since 1850. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kerrie Handasyde. 2024. Christ as Lost Innocent: Lost Faith, Fickle Providence, and the Land’s Sacrificial Demands. In Handasyde, K. and Winter, S. (eds). Seeing Christ in Australia, since 1850. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kerrie Handasyde and Sean Winter (eds.). Seeing Christ in Australia, since 1850. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kerrie Handasyde, Stephen Burns and Katharine Massam (eds.). 2024. Feminist Theologies: A Companion. SCM Press.
Kerrie Handasyde. 2024. Vocation: Listening, Persistence and Hard Work within the Church. In Handasyde, K., Burns, S., and Massam, K. (eds) Feminist Theologies: A Companion. SCM Press.
Mark Jennings. 2024. My Whole Life Was the Two Suburbs That Surrounded the Church”: LGBTQ+ Participation in Australian Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches as “Greedy Institutions”. Sociology of Religion.
Milad Milani. 2024. The Question of Origin and Beginning of Sufism. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 37(1).
Milad Milani. 2024. Heidegger, Ontology, and the Destiny of Islam: Thoughts and Reflections on the Nature of Islam in the World. Rowman & Littlefield.
Milad Milani. 2024. An Ontological Reading of Sufism: Examining Sufism Through the Philosophy of Heidegger. Sophia
Neville Buch. 2024. Queensland History, Religious Education, and Belief. In: David W. Kim and Duncan Wright, Socio-Anthropological Approaches to Religion. Rowman & Littlefield.
R. Gower and A. Possamai. 2024. The 2021 Australian “Mark ‘No Religion’” Campaign’. Australian Journal of Law and Religion 5: 79-82
Sarah Bacaller. Gaining a Foothold: Attachment Theory and the Ethical Evaluation of Religion. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 37(1).
Zoe Alderton. 2024. "Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels”: Kate Moss and the Role of the “Extraordinary Body” in Cult Formation. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 12(2), 157-184.
Adam Possamai, James Richardson & Bryan Turner (eds.), 2023. The Sociology of Shari’a. Case Studies from Around the World (second edition), Springer.
Angus McLeay, Elenie Poulos and Louise Richardson-Self, 2023. The shifting Christian right discourse on religious freedom in Australia, Politics and Religion 19: 1-22.
Anna Halafoff, Andrew Singleton & Ruth Fitzpatrick, 2023. Spiritual complexity in Australia: Wellbeing and risks. Social Compass, 70(2), 243–262.
Ben Archer. 2023. Moving From Faith Development to Faith Engagement in Christian Schools: A Scoping Review. Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, 17(1).
Christina Rocha, Kathleen Openshaw, Matthew Clancy, 2023. Settlement and African Expressions of Christianity in Australia. University of Western Australia.
David W. Kim, 2023. Goindols and Prehistoric East Asian Life: The Secret Landscape of Dolmens on the Korean Peninsula. The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 21(2): 1-23.
David W. Kim, 2023. A South Asian neutral power in the United Nations: India’s peacekeeping mission on the Korean peninsula (1947–1955), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10(7).
David W. Kim. 2023. Psycho-Religious Experiences in Deep Space History: Astronaut’s Latent Countermeasures for Human Risk Management. Aerospace 10, no. 7: 626.
Victor Counted, David Newheiser. 2023. How Place Shapes the Aspirations of Hope: The Allegory of the Privileged and the Underprivileged. Journal of Positive Psychology.
Elenie Poulos, 2023. The shifting Christian right discourse on religious freedom in Freedom of Religion and Religious Pluralism, M. J. H. Bhuiyan & C. M. Zoethout (eds), Brill.
Elenie Poulos, 2023. Three Discourses of Religious Freedom: How and Why Political Talk about Religious Freedom in Australia has Changed, Religions, 14(5).
Enqi Weng, 2023. Contesting empire religion: coloniality and sticky media discourses. Culture and Religion, pp.1-20.
Geoffrey Troughton (ed.), 2023. Pacifying Missions: Christianity, Violence, and Empire in the Nineteenth Century. Brill.
Halim Rane, 2023. Higher Objectives (maqāṣid) of Covenants in Islam: A Content Analysis of ‘ahd and mīthāq in the Qurʾān, Religions 14(4): 514.
Hannah Gould. 2023. When Death Falls Apart: Making and Unmaking the Necromaterial Traditions of Contemporary Japan. Chicago UP.
Mark Jennings, 2023. Happy: LGBTQ+ Experiences of Australian Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity. Palgrave Macmillan.
Mark Jennings, 2023. Adiaphora: The Israel Folau Case, Heterodoxy and ‘Orthodox Sexual Desire’ in Conservative Australian Christianity. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 36(1) 2023: 76-98.
Milad Milani, 2023. Sufism in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) in Sufism in Western Contexts, M. K. Hermansen & S. Zarrabi-Zadeh (eds.), 378-393. Brill.
Miriam Pepper, Ruth Powell, and Tracy McEwan, 2023. The Impact of Marriage Norms and Gender on Anglican Clergy Actions in Response to Domestic Violence" Religions 14(6): 730.
Misha Hoo, 2023. New Age for Whom? An Intersectional Analysis of James Redfield’s The Celestine Prophecy. Women’s Studies.
Paul Gwynne, 2023. Sexism in Major Religions: A Comparative Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell.
Robert Dixon. 2023. ‘Australian Catholicism in the third phase of globalization: Demographic shifts and unceasing challenges’, in Jose Casanova and Peter Phan (eds), Asian Pacific Catholicism and Globalization: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Robert Dixon and Mary Eastham (eds). 2023. Encountering God: Practical Theology and the Mission to Heal. Explorations in Practical Theology series. Coventry Press.
Rosie Clare Shorter, 2023. Complementarianism, Heteronormativity and the Future of the Anglican Church: Tensions in Lived Sydney Anglicanism. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 36(1), 118–144.
Adam Possamai and David Tittensor, 2022. Religion and Change in Australia, Routledge.
Albert R. Haig, 2022. 'Dialectic as ostension towards the transcendent: Language and mystical intersubjectivity in Plotinus’ Enneads', The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 16, 1-22.
Alexandra Roginski and Cristina Rocha, 2022. ‘The Body as Evidence of Truth: Biomedicine and Enduring Narratives of Religious and Spiritual Healing’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 35(2), 168-191.
Andrew Picard and A.D. Clark-Howard, 2022. "The Christian Settler Imaginary: Repentant Remembrances of Christianity's Entanglement with Settler Colonialism in Aotearoa New Zealand", Practical Theology, vol. 15, no. 1-2
Anna Halafoff, Enqi Weng, Alexandra Roginski and Cristina Rocha, 2022. ‘Introduction to the Special Issue: (Con)spirituality, Science and COVID-19’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 35(2), 133-140.
Anna Halafoff, Emily Marriott, Ruth Fitzpatrick and Enqi Weng, 2022. ‘Selling (Con)spirituality and COVID-19 in Australia: Convictions, Complexity and Countering Dis/misinformation’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 35(2), 141-167.
Anna Halafoff, Kim Lam, Cristina Rocha, Enqi Weng, and Sue Smith, 2022. “Buddhism in the Far North of Australia pre-WWII: (In)visibility, Post-colonialism and Materiality”, Journal of Global Buddhism 23 (2): 105-128.
Bernard Doherty, 2022. ‘‘A chain of deep-laid and premeditated villainy’: The Roman Catholic Culture of Conspiracy from the Abbé de Barruel to Radical Traditionalism’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 35(2), 245-268.
David W. Kim, “Mars Space Exploration and Astronautical Religion in Human Research: Psychological Countermeasures of Long-term Astronauts.” Aerospace 2022 9(12), 814.
David Newheiser, 2022. “Hope in Turbulent Times,” Critical Research on Religion 10.3, 363-368.
David Newheiser (Ed.), 2022. The Varieties of Atheism: Connecting Religion and its Critics. University of Chicago Press.
Enqi Weng, Anna Halafoff, Danielle Campbell, William Abur, Gary Bouma and Greg Barton, 2022. ‘Whiteness, Religious Diversity and Relational Belonging: Opportunities and Challenges for African Migrants in Australia’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 34(3), 289–313.
Juewei Shi & Sioh Yang Tan, 2022. “Flows of Innovation in Fo Guang Shan Oceania: Transregional dynamics behind the Buddha’s Birthday Festival”, Journal of Global Buddhism 23(2): 185-202.
Kathleen McPhillips and Tracy McEwan, 2022. The Sexual Economies of Clericalism: Women Religious and Gendered Violence in the Catholic Church Religionshe Sexual Economies of Clericalism: Women Religious and Gendered Violence in the Catholic Church Religions 13(10): 916.
Megan Anna Neff, Richard G. Cowden, Lisanda Masilela and Victor Counted, 2022. ‘Religion, Migration and the New African Diaspora: A Psychological Perspective’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 34(3), 267–288.
Milad Milani, 2022. The Nature of Sufism: An Ontological Reading of the Mystical in Islam. Routledge.
Milad Milani, 2022. Mysticism in the Islamicate World: The Question of Neoplatonic Influence in Sufi Thought. In: Later Platonists and their Heirs among Christians, Jews, and Muslims.Milad Milani, Zahra Taheri, Aydogan Kars, 2022. Female Mystics and the Divine Feminine in the Global Sufi Experience. Religions (Special Issue), vol. 12(8).
Miriam Pepper and Ruth Powell, 2022. 'Domestic and Family Violence: Responses and Approaches across the Australian Churches', Religions, vol. 13, no. 3
Misha Hoo, 2022. “New Age Hierophagy? Spiritual Transformation through the Consumption of Bach Flower Remedies and Other Vibrational Essences.” Correspondences 10 (2): 307–39.Nafiseh Ghafournia 2022. "Muslim Women's Religious Leadership: The case for Australian mosques" Religions, vol. 13, no. 6
Victor Counted and Ibrahim Abraham, 2022. ‘Introduction to the Special Issue on Religion, Spirituality and the New African Diaspora’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 34(3), 239–241.
Adam Possamai, Alphia Possamai-Inesedy & Awais Piracha (2021), 'The diffused religious choice when applying for a university degree in Sydney', Journal of Beliefs & Values.
Adam Possamai and Alphia Possamai-Inesedy (2021). 'Freedom of Religion in post-secular Australia', Social Compass, July 2021.
Adam Possamai Gary Long and Victor Counted (2021). 'An Analysis of Australian Research Council’s Grants in Religion', Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 34(1), 74–95.
Andrew Singleton, Mary Lou Rasmussen, Anna Halafoff and Gary Bouma (2021). Freedoms, Faiths and Futures: Teenage Australians on Religion, Sexuality and Diversity. Bloomsbury.
Anna Halafoff, Emily Marriott, Geraldine Smith, Enqi Weng, and Gary Bouma (2021). 'Worldviews Complexity in COVID-19 Times: Australian Media Representations of Religion, Spirituality and Non-Religion in 2020', Religions 12, 682.
David Newheiser (2021), "How hope becomes concrete", Critical Research On Religion 9.3: 349-352.
David W. Kim (2021). 'Cao Đài and Gucheon Sangje: Ethnical Grassroots Religious Movements in Colonial Vietnam and Korea', International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society 11, 2: 81-101.
David W. Kim, 2021. The Words of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas: The Genesis of a Wisdom Tradition. Oxford and London: Routledge.
David W. Kim (2021). 'Public Trust Lost and a Sign of Retroflexion: The Socio-Political Ecology of the Korean Church during the COVID-19 Pandemic', Journal of Church and State,
David W. Kim and Won-Il Bang (2021) ‘Royal religiosity: Confucian thoughts in Joseon Jongmyo shine.’ Cogent Social Sciences 7:1, 1970426, DOI:10.1080/23311886.2021.1970426
David W. Kim and and Heung-Sook Yang (2021) ‘Seojeon Byungwon, Jutlandia, and NORMASH: UN’s Scandinavian Allies at the Korean War and Beyond (1950s-60s).’ East Asia: An International Quarterly 21 (2021):
David W. Kim (2021), “Patriotic Daejongkyo: The New Geopolitical Dangun Religion in Modern Sino-Korean History,” Religiski-filozofiski raksti XXX, 1: 108-134
Dianne Rayson (2021) Bonhoeffer and Climate Change: Theology and Ethics for the Anthropocene. Lexington/Fortress Academic.
Elizabeth Poole and Enqi Weng (2021), ‘Introduction: Religion on an Ordinary Day: An International Study of News Reporting’, Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 10 (Special Issue), pp. 165-78. [open access]
Enqi Weng (2021) ‘Christianity in Contemporary Australian Media: "Get Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries"’, in Grounded in the Body, in Time and Place, in Scripture. Eugene: Oregon: Wipf & Stock, pp. 219-234.
Enqi Weng and Anna Halafoff (2021), ‘Religion on an Ordinary News Day in Australia: Hidden Christianity and the Pervasiveness of Lived Religion, Spirituality and the Secular Sacred’, Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 10 (Special Issue), pp. 225-49. [open access]
Enqi Weng and Fethi Mansouri (2021). '‘Swamped by Muslims’ and facing an ‘African gang’ problem: racialized and religious media representations in Australia', Continuum.
Enqi Weng and Alexandra Wake (2021). 'Blessed be the educated journalist: Reflections on a religious literacy gap in the field of journalism', Australian Journalism Review 43(1), 81–97.
Enqi Weng, Anna Halafoff, Greg Barton and Geraldine Smith (2021). 'Higher Education, Exclusion and Belonging: Religious Complexity, Coping and Connectedness Among International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia', Journal of International Students, 1(S2), 38–57.
Halim Rane and Adis Duderija (2021) ‘Muslim typologies in Australia: Findings of a national survey.’ Contemporary Islam.
Lauren McGrow (2021) The War Against Covid-19 and Body Theology: A Relational Response Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Vol 37 Issue 2 Fall (2021), 103-118. 16p. DOI: 10.2979/jfemistudreli.37.2.07.
Marion Maddox (2021) (eds) Charles Strong’s Australian Church: Christian Social Activism, 1885–1917. Melbourne University Press.
Milad Milani (2021). 'Javād Nūrbakhsh and the Niʿmatullāhī ‘Khaniqahi’ Order'. In Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Milad Milani and Zahra Taheri (2021). 'An Inquiry into the Nature of the Female Mystic and the Divine Feminine in Sufi Experience.' Religions 12(8), 610.
Milad Milani and Vassilios Adrahtas (Eds.), 2021. Islam, Civility and Political Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hoo, Misha. 2021. “New Age in Australia: Social Transmission and the Quest for Meaning.” Social Compass 68 (4): 600–17.Paul Hedges (2021) Understanding Religion: Theories and Methods for Studying Religiously Diverse Societies, Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Paul Hedges (2021) Religious Hatred: Prejudice, Islamophobia and Antisemitism in Global Context, London: Bloomsbury.
Paul Mitchell, Jessica Mamone & Halim Rane (2021) ‘Gender, Identity and Conversion: A Comparison of Male and Female Converts to Islam in Australia,’ Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 32:3, 279-306, DOI: 10.1080/09596410.2021.1960694
Rosie Clare Shorter (2021) 'Rethinking Complementarianism' Religion and Gender, 11(2), 218-244, doi:10.1163/18785417-bja10005
Ezzy, D, Bouma, G, Barton, G, Halafoff, A, Banham, R, Beaman, L, & Jackson, R 2020, 'Religious Diversity in Australia: Rethinking Social Cohesion,' Religions 11(2) 92: 1-16.
Halafoff, A, and Cusack, C 2020, ‘Education and Religious Diversity’ in A. Possamai and A. Blasi, The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, London, Sage, pp. 1-6.
Halafoff, A, Shipley, H, Dickey-Young, P, Singleton, A, Rasmussen, M and Bouma, G 2020, ‘Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People’s Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious World views in Australia and Canada,’ Religions 11(4), 166: 1-12.
Kim, David W. (2020) "A Transnational Grassroots Movement: Jinja Shintō and Japanese Religions in the Pre-Colonial Joseon Society," The Review of Korean Studies, 23, 1: 211-235.
Lam, K. and F. Mansouri, (2020), ‘Beyond (mis)-recognition: Muslim youth and religiosity in Australia, Journal of Youth Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2020.1766667.
Lipiäinen, T., Halafoff, A., Mansouri, F. & Bouma, G. (2020) Diverse worldviews education and social inclusion: a comparison between Finnish and Australian approaches to build intercultural and interreligious understanding, British Journal of Religious Education
Mehrnosh Lajevardi Fatemi (2020) 'Islamic leadership and Muslim immigration: A framework for reflection and analysis' In Religion, Migration, and Existential Wellbeing (pp. 184-198). Routledge.
Milad Milani and Vassilios Adrahtas, 2021. Modern Thinking in Islam: A Study of Religion and Ideas in Muslim Thought. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 33(2).
Milad Milani. Harry Potter and the Way of Truth: Reflections on Where We are as Standing Towards Religion, Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, vol. 11, no. 2 (2020): 235–247.
Hoo, Misha. 2020. “A Network of Awakening Souls: Examining New Age Facebook Groups in Australia.” Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 33 (1): 5–29.
Moaddel, M. (2020), The Clash of Values: Islamic Fundamentalism Versus Liberal Nationalism, Columbia University Press.
Rocha, C., Hutchinson M.P. and Openshaw, K. (eds)(2020), Australian Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements: Arguments from the Margins. Brill: Leiden.
Rajkobal, P. (2020), The Sarvodaya Movement: Holistic Development and Risk Governance in Sri Lanka. Routledge: London.
Smith, G. and Halafoff, A. (2020) Multifaith Third Spaces: Digital Activism, Netpeace, and the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Religions
Weng, E. (2020), Media Perceptions of Religious Changes in Australia: Of Dominance and Diversity. Routledge: London.
Weng, E. and Halafoff, A. (2020) 'Media Representations of Religion, Spirituality and Non-Religion in Australia', Religions 11, 332.
Blonner, A. (2019), Reimagining God and Resacralisation. Routledge: London.
Ghafournia, N. and Easteal, P., 2019. Help-seeking experiences of immigrant domestic violence survivors in Australia: a snapshot of muslim survivors. Journal of interpersonal violence, p.0886260519863722.
Halafoff, A., Lam, K. and Bouma, G. (2019) ‘Worldviews education: cosmopolitan peacebuilding and preventing violent extremism’, Journal of Beliefs and Values.
Kim, David W., “Baby Welfare, Leprosy and Mental Illness: Australian Medical Volunteerism in Modern Korea (1902-1941),” The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society 9, 2 (May, 2019): 55-50. DOI:
Kim, David W., “Guwonpa, WMSCOG, and Shincheonji: Three Dynamic Grassroots Groups in Contemporary Korean Christian NRM History,” Religions 2019, 10, 212; doi:10.3390/rel10030212 (A&HCI).
Lam, K (2019) Young Buddhists and the cosmopolitan irony of belonging in multicultural Australia, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 40(6): 720-735.
Milani M (2019) The “Sufism” of Monsieur Ibrahim, in Cultural Fusion of Sufi Islam: Alternative Paths to Mystical Faith, edited by Sarwar Alam. Routledge: Abingdon.
Milani, M. Classic Sufism and Gnosis. In The Gnostic World, edited by Garry W. Trompf, Gunner B. Michelson, Jay Johnston. Routledge, 2019.
Mulholland, Peter (2019). Love's Betrayal: The Decline of Catholicism and Rise of New Religions in Ireland. Bern: Peter Lang.
Nyhagen, L. Mosques as Gendered Spaces: The Complexity of Women’s Compliance with, And Resistance to, Dominant Gender Norms, And the Importance of Male Allies. Religions 2019, 10, 321.
Oosterbaan, M., van de Kamp, L. and Bahia, J. (2019), Global Trajectories of Brazilian Religion: Lusospheres, London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Possamai-Inesedy A and Nixon A (2019)(eds). The Digital Social: Religion and Belief. de Gruyter.
Scharbrodt, O., 2019. Creating a Diasporic Public Sphere in Britain: Twelver Shia Networks in London. Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, pp.1-18.
Singleton, A., Rasmussen, M.L., Halafoff, A., et al. (2019), 'The AGZ Study: Project Report.'
Trompf, G. and Milani, M. From "Zurvanism" to Mazdak. In The Gnostic World, edited by Garry W. Trompf, Gunner B. Michelson, Jay Johnston. Routledge, 2019.
Weng, E. (2019), ‘Through a National Lens Darkly: Religion as Spectrum’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion (32)1.
Carole M. Cusack, “Self-Murder, Sin and Crime: Religion and Suicide in the Middle Ages,” Journal of Religion and Violence, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2018, pp. 206-224.
Carole M. Cusack, “Gnostic Fiction,” in Garry W. Trompf and Jay Johnston (eds), The Gnostic World, London and New York, Routledge, 2018, pp. 671-678.
Carole M. Cusack, “Prehistoric Monuments in Britain as Numinous Sites of Spiritual Tourism: The Rollright Stones”, Fieldwork in Religion, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2018, pp. 61-80.
Jason Prior, Carole Cusack and Anthony Capon, “The role of pliability and transversality within trans/disciplinarity: Opening university research and learning to planetary health,” in Dena Fam, Linda Neuhauser and Paul Gibbs (eds), Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice and Education: The Art of Collaborative Research and Collective Learning, New York: Springer, 2018, 57-72.
Carole M. Cusack, “The Glastonbury Thorn in Christian Traditions and Popular Culture,” Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2018, pp. 307-326.
Carole M. Cusack, “Celebrating with the Church of the SubGenius: X-Day Rituals of Bad Taste, Burning ‘Bob’, and the End of the World (Not)”, in Frans Jespers, Karin van Niewkerk and Paul van der Velde (eds), Enjoying Religion: Pleasure and Fun in Established and New Religious Movements, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018, pp. 47-63.
Carole M. Cusack, “Mock Religions,” in Henri Gooren (ed.), Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions, Springer, 2018. At:
Carole M. Cusack, “The Cult of St Triduana in Scotland,” Sydney Society for Scottish History Journal, Vol. 17, 2018, pp. 31-45.
Fielder B, Ezzy D, (2018) 'Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christians: Queer Christians, Authentic Selves', Bloomsbury Academic, United Kingdom.
Ezzy, D, (2018) “Minority religions, litigation, and the prevention of harm”, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33(2), 277-289.
Campbell JA, Ezzy D, Neil A, Hensher M, Venn A, et al., (2018) 'A qualitative investigation of the health economic impacts of bariatric surgery for obesity and implications for improved practice in health economics', Health Economics, 27, (8) pp. 1300-1318.
Halafoff. A. & Clarke, M. (2018) ‘Sacred Places, Religion and Sustainable Development,’ Religions, 9, 299: 1-12
Halafoff, A., Garrod, J. & Gobey, L. (2018) ‘Women and Ultramodern Buddhism in Australia,’ Religions, 9, 47: 1-16.
Halafoff, A. (2018) ‘Interfaith Youth in Australia: A Critical Reflection on Religious Diversity, Literacy and Identity.’ In L. Kuhle, J. Borup, & W. Hoverd (eds) A Critical Analysis of Religious Diversity. Leiden: Brill, pp.230-251.
Halafoff, A. & Gobey, L. (2018) ‘”Whatever”? Religion, Youth, and Identity in 21st Century Australia.’ In P. Beyer, S.Bulllivant & P. Gareau (eds.) Youth, Religion and Identity in a Globalizing Context. Leiden: Brill, pp. 255-277.
Bouma, G.D. & Halafoff, A. (2018) ‘Initiatives pour contrer l’anticosmopolitisme dans le contexte australien.’ Dans S. Lefebvre & G. St-Laurent (dir.) Dix ans plus tard : La commission Bouchard-Taylor, succès ou échec?, Montréal : QuébecAmérique, pp. 235-247.
Rasmussen, M.L., Singleton, A., Halafoff, A. & Bouma, G.D. (2018) ‘There’s no argument or support for allowing schools to discriminate against LGBTIQ teachers,’ The Conversation. 16 October, 2018.
Singleton, A., Halafoff, A. Bouma, G.D. & Rasmussen, M.L. (2018) ‘New research shows Australian teens have complex views on religion and spirituality,’ The Conversation. 17 September, 2018.
Mcphillips, K. 2018 `The Royal Commission investigates Child Sexual Abuse: Uncovering Cultures of Sexual Violence in the Catholic Church’ in Rape Culture, Gender Violence and Religion(eds) C. Blyth, E. Coglan & K.B. Edwards Palgrave MacMillan Press, pp.53-72.
Mcphillips, K. 2018 `Traumatic Isolation: Institutional Stigma and the Australian Royal Commission into institutional Child Sexual Abuse‘ in Health & History: Journal of the Australian & New Zealand Society for the History of MedicineVol 20 Issue 2, pp 75-90
Mcphillips, K. 2018 `“Soul Murder”: Investigating Spiritual Trauma at the Royal Commission’ in Journal of Australian Studies, Vol 43, No 2, pp 231-242.
Mcphillips, K. 2018 with Tracy McEwan `Re-framing Religious Identity and Belief: Gen X Women and the Catholic Church’ in Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, Vol 30 No 3 pp 205-226.
Milani, M. (2018), Sufi Political Thought. Abignon: Routledge.
Milani, M. and Adrahtas, V. (2018), 'Modern talking : Sufi socio-political discourse', Journal of Religious and Political Practice, vol 4, no 2, pp 175 - 194.
Milani, M. and Cottle, D. (2018), 'Quest for justice : Islamism, social justice, and civility in Islamic history', Journal of Religious and Political Practice, vol 4, no 3 , pp 368 - 388.
Gwynne, P. 2018. World Religions in Practice. A Comparative Introduction (2nd Edition). Wiley UK.
Australian Association for the Study of Religions Book Series
These publications are hosted by the University of Sydney, click on the image to directly find the book in their repository.